Bug & Brush

Sedona's Secret

Fantastical Books

Sedona is a great place to live and work if you're one of the world's best scientists. Take Charlie, the head of the "Department of Unusual Human Conditions" at Green Tech. He has a wonderful career and beautiful wife, but a series of unfortunate events leaves his life (and the town) in total chaos. Escaped howler monkeys accidentally deactivate a veil that separated the world of fantasy from the world of reality, and now, centaurs and fairies roam the town at will. Charlie and his town are unsure if it will lead to war after both centaurs and fairies take hostages, one being Charlie's own wife. Will the creatures and the humans work it out before a darker force comes into play? Or will they all succumb to chaos?

Bug & Brush

A caffeine-fueled art adventure by Sam.